Monthly Archives: January 2014

How do team members buy into Objectives by writing strategies?

There are two basic ways to assign an objective to an employee. The first way is for the manager to assign the objective with a completion date. With this approach, the objective is a directive from the manager and the employee is expected to comply. This approach has a low success rate. The preferred way is to meet with the employee to review the objective being assigned and then ask the employee to develop their own strategies to complete this objective. In this scenario the employee has personal input, becomes vested in the Objective and therefore the likelihood of success is much higher.

Dan Stewart
Mr. Objectives
Twitter: @MrObjectives

Start the year right with Atlas Objectives

The new year is here and I’m sure you are already thinking about your business goals for 2014. Atlas Objectives has a new “first month free” promotion to help you capture your objectives and share them with your employees.

You create the objectives and then your employees create their strategies to meet the objectives. This keeps everyone on the same page and rowing in the same direction.

Check it out and give it a try: Go to Atlas Objectives

Dan Stewart
Mr. Objectives
Twitter: @MrObjectives