Monthly Archives: March 2014

How can a manager tell if he or she has created too many objectives for an employee?

When an employee completes their strategies and milestones for each assigned objective, they will set a meeting with their manager to review. The purpose of this review meeting is for the manager and employee to agree on the strategies and milestones developed and also agree that the objectives assigned can be completed within the time required. If it is determined that all of the assigned objectives cannot realistically be completed within the time required, the manger will reduce the number of objectives assigned.

Dan Stewart
Mr. Objectives
Twitter: @MrObjectives

What if two employees share the same objective?

Two or more employees could be asked to work as a team to complete a common objective. In this scenario, the employees would work together to develop the strategies to redeem the shared objective. Once the strategies are developed, each employee would agree on the strategies they would be responsible for completing.

Dan Stewart
Mr. Objectives
Twitter: @MrObjectives

How do strategies and milestones differ from project management?

Strategies and milestones are developed by each employee to insure completion of their key objectives. Project Management is a tool used to detail each step of a project to include a time line for each step. Therefore, a strategy for completing an objective could include the use of a Project Management tool.

Dan Stewart
Mr. Objectives
Twitter: @MrObjectives